Who does not love a lively verbal debate? Whether it’s about your favorite football team or a politician when done in a friendly manner, it can bring us together. Problems start when it is put in writing. Some of the best advice that my Dad ever gave me is not to send anything to anybody when you are upset. The best thing you can do is to type up what you’re upset about, get all of your frustrations out of your system and throw it away.
I am dating myself, but back when I was given this advice; it meant using a typewriter and putting the frustrations on paper. But the advice is even more relevant today.
While you may “feel” better, when you write up your scathing critique, it likely will not solve anything. A verbal debate, back and forth if done in a friendly manner, once it is done it is done. No one’s opinion may be changed but no one’s opinion is likely changed when put in writing. Things stated verbally are extremely unlikely (unless there are secret microphones around) to end up on the internet for time and memorial.
Prior to Facebook, Google, Twitter and LinkedIn most of us kept our private lives and professional lives separate. Things stated in our private lives, rarely impacted our professional lives. Today even very private personal posts can impact your professional life. Too often items posted in the heat of the moment that if seen by our clients, customers, professional colleagues, or employers can cause a lost client, to be fired, or sanctioned. The posted information can also give a cyber-criminal the data needed to steal your identity or access your firm’s data. You need to assume that anything posted on Facebook is public and will never go away.
So if you are going to write up a scathing rebuke, remember my Dad’s advice, if written in the heat of the moment, once it is written, tear it up (delete), and throw it away before you post it. If you are writing something to post that you would not want your mother, children, your employer or your client to see, hit delete. Instead of “Post Ready Think”, “Think Ready Post” or if done in the heat of the moment, “Think Ready Delete”. Remember once you hit the send button, assume that it can never be taken back.
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Contact Me Today
Lee Norcross, MBA, CPCU (616) 940-1101 Ext. 7080 |