General Business—5 ways to get fired on Social Media

August 16, 2017

The Hartford posted a recent article of 5 different people posting content on Social Media that got them fired.  As we have posted before, regardless of whether it is your personal social media account or a public account, make sure that you think before you tweet, post or blog.  That ‘short feel good feeling’ can have consequences.  Once you hit the send key it is too late to take it back.  Here are 5 different ways to get fired by misusing social media:

1.       Badmouthing customers or clients

2.       Making Distasteful or derogatory comments

3.       Disparaging the employer or coworkers

4.       Disclosing sensitive, inappropriate information

5.       Inciting or celebrating violence

As we work with professionals you would expect that the items on the above list would never happen, but they do.

To read the entire Hartford Article

Click Here for 5 ways to get fired on Social Media

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