What Does Commercial Liability Insurance Cover?

November 9, 2022

Every business owner knows that there are insurance policies designed to protect a business’s physical property from theft or severe weather damage. But what about injuries or damages suffered by third parties as a direct result of a business’s actions? Commercial liability insurance is designed to cover similar events, plus more. This coverage is primarily designed to cover lawsuits and settlements—including medical expenses and legal defense costs—that a business might face if it is held responsible for injuring a customer or if a customer’s property is damaged while on the business’s premises.a long bridge over a body of water with a city in the background

Modern society is growing more and more litigious, meaning that there are a growing number of lawsuits against businesses. You may only hear about lawsuits against big corporations on the news, but there are many more lawsuits that occur each year. While another insurance premium may not sound attractive, owning a commercial liability insurance policy could be the difference between recovering from a loss and closing the doors forever.

Bear in mind, owning liability coverage does not prevent a lawsuit. In fact, anyone can file charges against your business, whether frivolous or grounded. Rather, this type of policy helps cover the costs associated with a lawsuit, which can quickly add up to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

When purchasing liability insurance, consider the risk factor of your business. For example, a home renovation company will have more liability risks than a web design office. Determining your business’ risk will help you select the coverage limits of your policy. Your independent agent can assess your needs and help you find the right policy to suit the needs of your business.

Get your evaluation today. Call L Squared Insurance Agency at 866-940-1101 for more information on Grand Rapids business insurance.

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