This is a new word to add to your vocabulary of Phishing, Spearing, Trojan Horses, and Malware. Most of you know that if you decide to go to the dark side of the web and open your typical XXX site you likely are going to get infected. But much of the Malvertising is being found place ads on legitimate sites like Reuters, Youtube or the New York Times. The cyber criminals pack these ads with viruses, spyware and malware.
Now you are one of the people that never click on ads. Great but, everyone does accidentally click on ads or popups. Bad news is that with some of these ads you do not even have to click on it to get infected.
So what should you do? Make sure that your browser is up to date and your antivirus is current for a start. Turn off as many add-ons on your browser as possible. The fewer doors you allow into your computer and your network the better.
The following link takes you to AVG Anti-Virus article that goes into more detail on what is Malvertising and what you can do about it:
Also if your firm does not have Cyber Liability Insurance and/or Crime Insurance, not too late to look into protecting your assets just in case Malvertising gets past your best defense.